To See Photos of our dogs, hover over the About Us TAB until the options come down, Hover over The Girls or At Stud.
We choose our Studs based on several different aspects. Just to name a few: looks, personality, good genes, strong bloodlines, and her ability to produce healthy, strong puppies.
Looks: We breed using the AKC Bench Standard as our standard. We do prefer to breed smaller dogs than your average breeder and have found that this not only pleases our clients, but seems to keep the dogs more healthy and lessens the chances of joint problems later in their life.
Personality: We choose dogs that become part of our family. Each of our studs has a different personality and quirks that make them uniquely who they are. We tend to go for a more low key dog, who enjoys to hang out on the couch and be lazy, but also enjoys outside time and playing. We have some males that have more of a "Hunt Drive" than others and will direct you more towards one of their litters if that is what you are looking for.
Good Genes and Strong Bloodlines: We strive to create better puppies with each generation that we produce. We are looking for correct pigments in all 3 colors. We are also looking for AKC standards in conformation and build.